Move Your Body, Free Your Mind

We have ever evolving offerings of practices to meet your body and spirit uniquely and tenderly every time you show up.

Our offerings are gentle reminders of how to best nourish, comfort, strengthen and more skillfully honor our deepest needs and inner truths ~ individually and communally.

All of our classes at DustOff Yoga are rooted in the tradition of Hatha Yoga. Hatha Yoga combines postures, breathwork, and mindfulness to promote balance and peace, enhance strength and flexibility, improve body awareness, build concentration, and calm the mind. As a trauma-informed studio, we encourage participants to discover their own rhythm, offering various accessible options and the freedom to rest or adapt their practice as needed at any time.

Each class has a specific intention or focus, ranging from building strength and energy to soothing and restorative practices. Our teachers bring their unique styles and expertise to each session. We welcome participants of all levels of yoga experience, striving to make our classes accessible to everyBODY.

what to expect →





Go inward to find balance between effort and ease as you unwind a tight body, mind or heart.  Yin yoga targets deeper connective tissues in the body; lengthening, strengthening and stretching the ligaments and fascia, while inviting the muscles to relax.  Expect a slow, floor based practice utilizing props, with postures emphasizing the hips, thighs, back, neck and shoulders that are held for longer periods of time (3-10 minutes) to release deeply held tension and calm the mind for quiet introspection.


(Yoga Nidra)

Release physical, mental and emotional tension as you ease into the evening with this stress relieving yoga practice set to candlelight.  Expect gentle restorative yoga postures and soothing breathing practice to relax and settle the energies in the body followed by Yoga Nidra~a powerful meditation practice where you will be guided into a state of deep relaxation while maintaining awareness.   Release physical, mental and emotional tension and experience this profound practice with the opportunity to leave class feeling rested, restored and inspired.


(Restorative Yoga)

Unwind from the day and prepare for deep relaxation of the mind and body. Expect a mellow practice of passive, supported poses using a variety of props to assit the body in releasing long held tension in the physical body, with an emphasis on conscious relaxation to soothe the nervous system, and the incorporation of binaural sound therapeutics and guided meditation as you unfurl, unwind, and untangle.




An intuitive and compassionate exploration of the body mind and spirit that will aid in bringing synchronicity and balance to your days. Expect slow and gentle sequences, and dynamic somatic movement, emphasizing the development of body awareness, reduction of stress, and cultivating emotional regulation to strengthen the connection between body, mind and spirit.


(Hips and Spine)

Find your center and become more grounded in body and mind as you ease chronic tightness of the hips and low back. Expect slow floor-based practice, emphasizing range of motion and functional movement focused on the muscles and tissues of the lower body, incorporating myofacial therapeutics, therapy balls, and acupressure mats to aid tension release, followed by progressive muscle relaxation allowing the body and mind to move into a more restful and expansive state.



Walk the line between action and calm, effort and ease with this intentional and mindful movements incorporating neurological and vestibular challenges in this unique and uplifting class to bring balance to the mind, body and spirit.  Expect dynamic movement drills emphasizing balance and mobility, the incorporation of wobble cushions, balance pads and boards, followed by an extended restorative practice incorporating guided meditation, allowing body and mind to ease into deep internal reflection and nervous system shift into rest.




Find your edge and build physical and mental strength in your body to feel strong and energized.  Expect to get your heart pumping and link your breath with playful, flowing Vinyasa style sequences, powerful standing postures and core strengthening movement, followed by soothing restorative poses to cool down and ease into a deeper mind~body connection.



Experience a profound sense of inner calm by taking time to sit in silence.  With regular practice, meditation has the power to calm the nervous system leading to less reactivity and a gentler approach to life's challenges. Expect gentle movement, breathing practice, and various forms of guided meditation.


(Somatic Yoga)

Begin your healing journey and soften the grip on experiences of loss, grief, anxiety or trauma may have on your heart.  This slower yoga practice designed to support your healing journey from mental, emotional, and physical trauma. You will be invited to make empowering choices based on what you are feeling ~ using somatic awareness practices, and provided the opportunity to explore what you need in the moment.  The focus is less about the alignment of poses or sequences and more about turning inward, so that you may tend the pain with compassion.  Expect a safe space to begin connecting to your body and breath.

Specialized Programs & Workshops


Yoga for Trauma Recovery and Post Traumatic Growth. This integrative yoga program is designed for trauma recovery, resilience and mindfulness. This program is helpful for all~adults and teens (We are even able to adapt for children). Movements are mindful with techniques to calm the nervous system and promote acceptance of self. Participants will learn: Breathing Practices, Mindful Movement, Meditation, Guided Rest, and Gratitude.

This transformational practice will allow you to discover  present moment awareness through body sensation and breath, responsive vs reactive action, create connection with self & with others, and experiment with spatial orientation/awareness.

60 minutes All levels welcome.



Warriors at Ease (WAE) classes are evidence based and specifically designed for military members, veterans and first responders. Classes integrate trauma sensitive yoga and meditation practices to support health, cultivate resilience and post traumatic growth, and support connection for those who work in high stress and traumatic environments.

Expect gentle, mindful movements, building to a series of dynamic, but accessible, strength building poses, tactical breath work and iREST meditation techniques. This class is adaptive in nature making it accessible to anyone, including those with limited mobility, traumatic brain injury, or those who use prothestic(s).

*Classes are taught by instructors who are veterans and/or first responders who have received specialized training through Warriors at Ease.

60 minutes All levels welcome.
About Warriors at Ease


Veterans, Active Duty Military, First Responders and their families/caregiver.


This transformational and healing eight week program offers a safe space for survivors of sexual assault and domestic violence to gain greater awareness of self through strength, stability, assertiveness and mindfulness. Participants will be guided through weekly themes for healing with focus on building resilience. We will use both mindful movement and restorative postures, explore positive affirmations with intention, gratitude and guided meditation with relaxation. Classes are integrated with guided activities and exercises, journaling and art. Classes will be build upon each other each week so that participants may establish a ‘toolbox’ of self regulation strategies that may help survivors sleep better, experience less anxiety and depression and cope with various PTSD symptoms.

75 minutes All levels welcome.

DONATION BASED COMMUNITY CLASS ~ WOMEN ONLY: Survivors of Sexual Assault or Domestic Violence. Ask about our teen program.


6 Week Series

This six-week meditation series will provide a well-rounded offering that is both educational and exploratory.  Offering fundamental instruction of meditation practice for those that are new to meditation or would like to renew or deepen their practice. Sessions will include gentle movement, breathing techniques and a different form of guided meditation each week to build your practice.


This neuroscience guided practice combines dynamic spine and lung focused postures and movement with conscious breathing techniques with the opportunity to explore utilization of the respiratory system as a tool of the simplest yet most efficient and balancing integrative mechanism of the body to cultivate well being. This class may assist with stress or pain management, calm anxiety, elevate mood and/or increase energy.


This practice will provide a well-rounded offering that is both educational and exploratory. Offering fundamental instruction, the teacher will lead participants through rudimentary sequences, breath work and meditation techniques that allow for curious practice. Expect posture breakdowns and an explanation of accompanying movement. No prior yoga experience is required.

Clinical Intervention & Trauma Recovery

Trauma Center Trauma Sensitive Yoga Therapy ~ TCTSY

TCTSY is an empirically validated, clinical intervention for complex trauma or chronic, treatment-resistant post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD).  This evidence-based protocol was developed at the Trauma Center in Brookline Massachusetts by David Emerson, in clinical collaboration with Dr Bessel van der Kolk. and is a program of the Center for Trauma and Embodiment at the Justice Resource Institute. TCTSY was the first yoga program worldwide listed as an evidence-based treatment for psychological trauma with SAMHSA-NREPP. TCTSY has foundations in Trauma Theory, Attachment Theory, Neuroscience and Hatha Yoga practice, with an emphasis on body-based yoga forms and breathing practices.

75 minutes

iRest Yoga Nidra Meditation

Based on the ancient teachings of meditation, iRest (Integrative Restoration) is an evidence-based transformative practice that leads to psychological, physical, and spiritual healing and well-being. Its practice is integrative as it heals the various unresolved issues and traumas that are present in your body and mind, and restorative as it enables you to recognize your innate peace of mind that is always present amidst all changing circumstances of life.

iRest is currently being utilized in VA hospitals, military bases, hospitals and clinics, hospice, homeless shelters, community programs, and schools. Research has shown that iRest effectively reduces PTSD, depression, anxiety, insomnia, chronic pain, and chemical dependency while increasing health, resiliency, and well-being.

iRest provides you with tools to help you relax deeply, release stress, increase resiliency, improve your interpersonal relationships and provide you with greater mastery and control in your life. iRest nourishes qualities such as joy, peacefulness, empathy, forgiveness, patience and loving-kindness toward yourself and others.

60 minutes

About iRest | iRest Institute 

iRest Co-Meditation Dyad

This private one hour session will include preliminary assessment, a guided iRest practice, and a debrief/question and answer period following the session. You will be resting in a supported relaxation pose during the iRest practice in a way that allows your body to be at ease. Bring your personal life experiences, your questions, and whatever you are currently dealing with in your life. This process allows negative repetitions to reveal themselves and brings awareness to patterns we hold deep in the mind, body or spirit. Participants may leave with a plan of action and a felt sense of being seen and heard.

60 minutes *Note* Dyad is a co-meditation based on the iRest practice that occurs between the guide and the Participant. Dyad is more verbal and less guided as the practitioner explores the sensations, images, thoughts and emotions that are arising for them in the practice.

75 minutes

Need Personal Guidance?

Individual and Group Private Sessions are available.

We will work together with you to develop a highly personalized program with our body oriented approach to recovery and resilience. Your class will be taught at your own pace and can be provided individually or in a small group setting with trusted peers.

We will:

  • Encourage you to deepen your relationship with yourself, through making individual choices and honoring your body

  • Guide you to reconnect with yourself and others in a meaningful way

  • Teach you tools you can use in your everyday life

  • Help you develop self confidence on and off your mat

contact us →

Online Classes Disclaimer: Signing up for an online class entails the implicit understanding that DustOff is not responsible for technical difficulties out of our control (ex.: power and/or wifi outages, Zoom server errors). We do our best, but live streaming is always subject to complications. No refunds can be issued in the case of such events. We are grateful for your patience and understanding.